Friday, May 8, 2009

Sample security maintenance schedules

Daily maintenance:

1. Confirm there are no errors displaying on any of the DVRs.
2. Verify proper PTZ control on all movable cameras.
3. Create an operational log and make entries daily of any issues/problems which need to be addressed by on site personnel or the installing company.

Weekly maintenance:

1. Check all cameras for normal video.
2. Verify video is being recorded by performing a search for a specific period of time. Archive video from the DVR to a CD or DVD using the management software.
3. Check the satisfactory transmission of images to remote center (where applicable).

Monthly maintenance:

1. Clean all system monitor screens with appropriate glass cleaner.
2. Wipe down all head-end equipment with a dry, lint-free cloth to keep the equipment clean.
3. Ensure that the camera has a proper field of view and that fixed cameras have not been repositioned.
4. Verify the required retention rate by checking the oldest video saved on the DVRs.

Semiannual Maintenance Schedule:

1. Visually inspect all major CCTV components (including cabling and connections, where accessible) for signs of deterioration or damage.

2. Check and clean cameras, lenses and housings as necessary.

3. Clean (vacuum and dust) internal workings of DVR.

4. Check hard drives on all DVRs.

5. Perform software upgrades when available.

6. Test UPS.

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